This module defines the victim models and provides methods to save, load and train them.
To set the seed:
To load the models:
cifar10Model = victim_models.CifarModel()
kaggleModel = victim_models.KaggleModel()
To train it with a
called cifar10
(dimension has to fit):
victim_models.train_model(cifar10Model, cifar10, epochs=1)
To save and load the model:
cifar10Model = victim_models.load_model("filename")
1""" 2.. include:: ../docs/ 3""" 4 5from os import environ, makedirs 6 7# Tensorflow C++ backend logging verbosity 8environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "2" # NOQA 9 10import datasets as ds 11import utils 12 13from os.path import dirname, isdir, join 14import datetime 15 16from typing import Dict 17from tensorflow import keras 18from tensorflow.python.framework import random_seed 19from import Dataset # pyright: ignore 20from tensorflow.keras.activations import tanh # pyright: ignore 21from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv2D, Dense, InputLayer # pyright: ignore 22from tensorflow.keras.layers import MaxPool2D, Softmax, Flatten # pyright: ignore 23from tensorflow.keras import Sequential # pyright: ignore 24 25global_seed: int = 1234 26 27 28def set_seed(new_seed: int): 29 """ 30 Set the global seed that will be used for all functions that include 31 randomness. 32 """ 33 global global_seed 34 global_seed = new_seed 35 random_seed.set_seed(global_seed) 36 37 38class CifarModel(Sequential): 39 """ 40 On CIFAR datasets, we train a standard convolutional neural 41 network (CNN) with two convolution and max pooling layers 42 plus a fully connected layer of size 128 and a Sof tMax layer. 43 ‘We use Tanh as the activation function. We set the learning 44 rate to 0.001, the learning rate decay to le — 07, and the 45 maximum epochs of training to 100. 46 """ 47 48 def __init__(self) -> None: 49 super().__init__() 50 activation = tanh 51 batchSize = 100 52 self.add(InputLayer(input_shape=(32, 32, 3), batch_size=batchSize)) 53 self.add(Conv2D(32, 3, activation=activation)) 54 self.add(MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) 55 self.add(Conv2D(32, 3, activation=activation)) 56 self.add(MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) 57 self.add(Flatten()) 58 self.add(Dense(128, activation=activation)) 59 self.add(Dense(10, activation=activation)) 60 self.add(Softmax()) 61 62 63class KaggleModel(Sequential): 64 """ 65 On the purchase dataset (see Section VI-A), we train a fully 66 connected neural network with one hidden layer of size 128 67 and a SoftMax layer. We use Tanh as the activation function. 68 ‘We set the learning rate to 0.001, the learning rate decay to 69 1e — 07, and the maximum epochs of training to 200. 70 """ 71 72 def __init__(self, output_size: int) -> None: 73 super().__init__() 74 activation = tanh 75 batchSize = 100 # TODO: hardcoded 76 self.add(InputLayer(input_shape=(600), batch_size=batchSize)) 77 self.add(Dense(128, activation=activation)) 78 self.add(Dense(output_size, activation=activation)) 79 self.add(Softmax()) 80 81 82def load_model(name: str, verbose=True) -> Sequential: 83 """ 84 Load model from disk. 85 86 The file name will be constructed from the `name` argument. 87 """ 88 if verbose: 89 print(f"Loading model {name} from disk.") 90 filePath: str = join(dirname(__file__), "../models/target", name) 91 return keras.models.load_model(filePath) 92 93 94def save_model(name: str, model: Sequential) -> None: 95 """ 96 Save model to disk. 97 98 The file name will be constructed from the `name` argument. 99 """ 100 folderPath: str = join(dirname(__file__),"../models/target") 101 if not isdir(folderPath): 102 makedirs(folderPath, exist_ok=True) 103 filePath: str = join(folderPath, name) 104 105 106 107def train_model(model: Sequential, modelName: str, trainData: Dataset, 108 testData: Dataset, hyperpar: Dict): 109 epochs: int = int(hyperpar["epochs"]) 110 learningRate: float = float(hyperpar["learningRate"]) 111 batchSize: int = int(hyperpar["batchSize"]) 112 print( 113 f"Training model {modelName} for {epochs} epochs with learning rate {learningRate} and batch size {batchSize}.") 114 115 optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=learningRate, name="Adam") 116 loss = keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy() 117 metrics = [keras.metrics.CategoricalAccuracy()] 118 119 model.compile(optimizer, loss, metrics) 120 trainData = trainData.batch(batchSize, drop_remainder=True) 121 testData = testData.batch(batchSize, drop_remainder=True) 122 log_dir = "logs/target/" + modelName 123 makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) 124 cb = keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(histogram_freq=1, log_dir=log_dir) 125 return, epochs=epochs, callbacks=[cb], validation_data=testData) 126 127 128def evaluate_model(model: Sequential, dataset: Dataset): 129 # TODO: batchSize is hardcoded 130 batchSize = 100 131 dataset = dataset.batch(batchSize, drop_remainder=True) 132 return model.evaluate(dataset) 133 134 135def get_model_name(config: Dict) -> str: 136 modelConfig = config["targetModel"]["hyperparameters"] 137 return \ 138 f'{config["targetDataset"]["name"]}_' + \ 139 f'classes_{config["targetModel"]["classes"]}_' + \ 140 f'lr_{modelConfig["learningRate"]}_' + \ 141 f'bs_{modelConfig["batchSize"]}_' + \ 142 f'epochs_{modelConfig["epochs"]}_' + \ 143 f'trainsize_{config["targetDataset"]["trainSize"]}' 144 145 146def get_target_model(config: Dict, targetDataset) -> Sequential: 147 """ 148 Try to load target model. If it doesn't work, train it. 149 """ 150 151 modelName = get_model_name(config) 152 153 try: 154 print(f"Loading target model from disk.") 155 model: KaggleModel = load_model(modelName, verbose=config["verbose"]) 156 157 except BaseException: 158 print("Didn't work, retraining target model.") 159 model: KaggleModel = train_target_model(config, targetDataset) 160 161 print("Evaluating target model on training data:") 162 trainDataName = modelName + "_train_data" 163 trainData = ds.load_target(trainDataName) 164 trainAcc = evaluate_model(model,trainData)[1] 165 166 print("Evaluating target model on testing data:") 167 testDataName = modelName + "_test_data" 168 testData = ds.load_target(testDataName) 169 testAcc = evaluate_model(model,testData)[1] 170 171 hash = utils.hash(str(config)) 172 with open(f"{hash}_targetModelAccuracy.csv",'w') as file: 173 file.write(f"Target Model Training Accuracy: {trainAcc}\n") 174 file.write(f"Target Model Testing Accuracy: {testAcc}\n") 175 176 return model 177 178 179def train_target_model(config: Dict, targetDataset) -> Sequential: 180 181 targetDataset = ds.shuffle(targetDataset) 182 dataConfig = config["targetDataset"] 183 modelConfig = config["targetModel"]["hyperparameters"] 184 185 modelName = get_model_name(config) 186 trainDataName = modelName + "_train_data" 187 testDataName = modelName + "_test_data" 188 restDataName = modelName + "_rest_data" 189 190 trainData = targetDataset.take(dataConfig["trainSize"]) 191 testData = targetDataset.skip(dataConfig["trainSize"]).take(dataConfig["testSize"]) 192 restData = targetDataset.skip(dataConfig["trainSize"]).skip(dataConfig["testSize"]) 193 194 ds.save_target(trainData,trainDataName) 195 ds.save_target(testData,testDataName) 196 ds.save_target(restData,restDataName) 197 198 model = KaggleModel(config["targetModel"]["classes"]) 199 200 train_model(model, modelName, trainData, testData, modelConfig) 201 202 print("Saving target model to disk.") 203 save_model(modelName, model) 204 evaluate_model(model, testData) 205 return model 206 207 208if __name__ == "__main__": 209 import argparse 210 import configuration as con 211 import datasets as ds 212 213 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Train the target model.') 214 parser.add_argument('--config', help='Relative path to config file.',) 215 config = con.from_cli_options(vars(parser.parse_args())) 216 set_seed(config["seed"]) 217 218 targetDataset = ds.load_dataset(config["targetDataset"]["name"]) 219 targetModel = get_target_model(config, targetDataset)
29def set_seed(new_seed: int): 30 """ 31 Set the global seed that will be used for all functions that include 32 randomness. 33 """ 34 global global_seed 35 global_seed = new_seed 36 random_seed.set_seed(global_seed)
Set the global seed that will be used for all functions that include randomness.
39class CifarModel(Sequential): 40 """ 41 On CIFAR datasets, we train a standard convolutional neural 42 network (CNN) with two convolution and max pooling layers 43 plus a fully connected layer of size 128 and a Sof tMax layer. 44 ‘We use Tanh as the activation function. We set the learning 45 rate to 0.001, the learning rate decay to le — 07, and the 46 maximum epochs of training to 100. 47 """ 48 49 def __init__(self) -> None: 50 super().__init__() 51 activation = tanh 52 batchSize = 100 53 self.add(InputLayer(input_shape=(32, 32, 3), batch_size=batchSize)) 54 self.add(Conv2D(32, 3, activation=activation)) 55 self.add(MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) 56 self.add(Conv2D(32, 3, activation=activation)) 57 self.add(MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) 58 self.add(Flatten()) 59 self.add(Dense(128, activation=activation)) 60 self.add(Dense(10, activation=activation)) 61 self.add(Softmax())
On CIFAR datasets, we train a standard convolutional neural network (CNN) with two convolution and max pooling layers plus a fully connected layer of size 128 and a Sof tMax layer. ‘We use Tanh as the activation function. We set the learning rate to 0.001, the learning rate decay to le — 07, and the maximum epochs of training to 100.
49 def __init__(self) -> None: 50 super().__init__() 51 activation = tanh 52 batchSize = 100 53 self.add(InputLayer(input_shape=(32, 32, 3), batch_size=batchSize)) 54 self.add(Conv2D(32, 3, activation=activation)) 55 self.add(MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) 56 self.add(Conv2D(32, 3, activation=activation)) 57 self.add(MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) 58 self.add(Flatten()) 59 self.add(Dense(128, activation=activation)) 60 self.add(Dense(10, activation=activation)) 61 self.add(Softmax())
Creates a Sequential
model instance.
Args: layers: Optional list of layers to add to the model. name: Optional name for the model.
Inherited Members
- keras.engine.sequential.Sequential
- supports_masking
- add
- pop
- build
- call
- compute_output_shape
- compute_mask
- get_config
- from_config
- input_spec
- keras.engine.functional.Functional
- input
- input_shape
- output
- output_shape
- compile
- metrics
- metrics_names
- distribute_strategy
- run_eagerly
- train_step
- compute_loss
- compute_metrics
- make_train_function
- fit
- test_step
- make_test_function
- evaluate
- predict_step
- make_predict_function
- predict
- reset_metrics
- train_on_batch
- test_on_batch
- predict_on_batch
- fit_generator
- evaluate_generator
- predict_generator
- trainable_weights
- non_trainable_weights
- get_weights
- save
- save_weights
- load_weights
- to_json
- to_yaml
- reset_states
- state_updates
- weights
- summary
- get_layer
- save_spec
- keras.engine.base_layer.Layer
- add_weight
- compute_output_signature
- dtype
- name
- dynamic
- trainable
- activity_regularizer
- losses
- add_loss
- add_metric
- add_update
- set_weights
- finalize_state
- get_input_mask_at
- get_output_mask_at
- input_mask
- output_mask
- get_input_shape_at
- get_output_shape_at
- get_input_at
- get_output_at
- count_params
- dtype_policy
- compute_dtype
- variable_dtype
- inbound_nodes
- outbound_nodes
- variables
- trainable_variables
- non_trainable_variables
- add_variable
- tensorflow.python.module.module.Module
- name_scope
- submodules
- with_name_scope
64class KaggleModel(Sequential): 65 """ 66 On the purchase dataset (see Section VI-A), we train a fully 67 connected neural network with one hidden layer of size 128 68 and a SoftMax layer. We use Tanh as the activation function. 69 ‘We set the learning rate to 0.001, the learning rate decay to 70 1e — 07, and the maximum epochs of training to 200. 71 """ 72 73 def __init__(self, output_size: int) -> None: 74 super().__init__() 75 activation = tanh 76 batchSize = 100 # TODO: hardcoded 77 self.add(InputLayer(input_shape=(600), batch_size=batchSize)) 78 self.add(Dense(128, activation=activation)) 79 self.add(Dense(output_size, activation=activation)) 80 self.add(Softmax())
On the purchase dataset (see Section VI-A), we train a fully connected neural network with one hidden layer of size 128 and a SoftMax layer. We use Tanh as the activation function. ‘We set the learning rate to 0.001, the learning rate decay to 1e — 07, and the maximum epochs of training to 200.
73 def __init__(self, output_size: int) -> None: 74 super().__init__() 75 activation = tanh 76 batchSize = 100 # TODO: hardcoded 77 self.add(InputLayer(input_shape=(600), batch_size=batchSize)) 78 self.add(Dense(128, activation=activation)) 79 self.add(Dense(output_size, activation=activation)) 80 self.add(Softmax())
Creates a Sequential
model instance.
Args: layers: Optional list of layers to add to the model. name: Optional name for the model.
Inherited Members
- keras.engine.sequential.Sequential
- supports_masking
- add
- pop
- build
- call
- compute_output_shape
- compute_mask
- get_config
- from_config
- input_spec
- keras.engine.functional.Functional
- input
- input_shape
- output
- output_shape
- compile
- metrics
- metrics_names
- distribute_strategy
- run_eagerly
- train_step
- compute_loss
- compute_metrics
- make_train_function
- fit
- test_step
- make_test_function
- evaluate
- predict_step
- make_predict_function
- predict
- reset_metrics
- train_on_batch
- test_on_batch
- predict_on_batch
- fit_generator
- evaluate_generator
- predict_generator
- trainable_weights
- non_trainable_weights
- get_weights
- save
- save_weights
- load_weights
- to_json
- to_yaml
- reset_states
- state_updates
- weights
- summary
- get_layer
- save_spec
- keras.engine.base_layer.Layer
- add_weight
- compute_output_signature
- dtype
- name
- dynamic
- trainable
- activity_regularizer
- losses
- add_loss
- add_metric
- add_update
- set_weights
- finalize_state
- get_input_mask_at
- get_output_mask_at
- input_mask
- output_mask
- get_input_shape_at
- get_output_shape_at
- get_input_at
- get_output_at
- count_params
- dtype_policy
- compute_dtype
- variable_dtype
- inbound_nodes
- outbound_nodes
- variables
- trainable_variables
- non_trainable_variables
- add_variable
- tensorflow.python.module.module.Module
- name_scope
- submodules
- with_name_scope
83def load_model(name: str, verbose=True) -> Sequential: 84 """ 85 Load model from disk. 86 87 The file name will be constructed from the `name` argument. 88 """ 89 if verbose: 90 print(f"Loading model {name} from disk.") 91 filePath: str = join(dirname(__file__), "../models/target", name) 92 return keras.models.load_model(filePath)
Load model from disk.
The file name will be constructed from the name
95def save_model(name: str, model: Sequential) -> None: 96 """ 97 Save model to disk. 98 99 The file name will be constructed from the `name` argument. 100 """ 101 folderPath: str = join(dirname(__file__),"../models/target") 102 if not isdir(folderPath): 103 makedirs(folderPath, exist_ok=True) 104 filePath: str = join(folderPath, name) 105
Save model to disk.
The file name will be constructed from the name
108def train_model(model: Sequential, modelName: str, trainData: Dataset, 109 testData: Dataset, hyperpar: Dict): 110 epochs: int = int(hyperpar["epochs"]) 111 learningRate: float = float(hyperpar["learningRate"]) 112 batchSize: int = int(hyperpar["batchSize"]) 113 print( 114 f"Training model {modelName} for {epochs} epochs with learning rate {learningRate} and batch size {batchSize}.") 115 116 optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=learningRate, name="Adam") 117 loss = keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy() 118 metrics = [keras.metrics.CategoricalAccuracy()] 119 120 model.compile(optimizer, loss, metrics) 121 trainData = trainData.batch(batchSize, drop_remainder=True) 122 testData = testData.batch(batchSize, drop_remainder=True) 123 log_dir = "logs/target/" + modelName 124 makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) 125 cb = keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(histogram_freq=1, log_dir=log_dir) 126 return, epochs=epochs, callbacks=[cb], validation_data=testData)
136def get_model_name(config: Dict) -> str: 137 modelConfig = config["targetModel"]["hyperparameters"] 138 return \ 139 f'{config["targetDataset"]["name"]}_' + \ 140 f'classes_{config["targetModel"]["classes"]}_' + \ 141 f'lr_{modelConfig["learningRate"]}_' + \ 142 f'bs_{modelConfig["batchSize"]}_' + \ 143 f'epochs_{modelConfig["epochs"]}_' + \ 144 f'trainsize_{config["targetDataset"]["trainSize"]}'
147def get_target_model(config: Dict, targetDataset) -> Sequential: 148 """ 149 Try to load target model. If it doesn't work, train it. 150 """ 151 152 modelName = get_model_name(config) 153 154 try: 155 print(f"Loading target model from disk.") 156 model: KaggleModel = load_model(modelName, verbose=config["verbose"]) 157 158 except BaseException: 159 print("Didn't work, retraining target model.") 160 model: KaggleModel = train_target_model(config, targetDataset) 161 162 print("Evaluating target model on training data:") 163 trainDataName = modelName + "_train_data" 164 trainData = ds.load_target(trainDataName) 165 trainAcc = evaluate_model(model,trainData)[1] 166 167 print("Evaluating target model on testing data:") 168 testDataName = modelName + "_test_data" 169 testData = ds.load_target(testDataName) 170 testAcc = evaluate_model(model,testData)[1] 171 172 hash = utils.hash(str(config)) 173 with open(f"{hash}_targetModelAccuracy.csv",'w') as file: 174 file.write(f"Target Model Training Accuracy: {trainAcc}\n") 175 file.write(f"Target Model Testing Accuracy: {testAcc}\n") 176 177 return model
Try to load target model. If it doesn't work, train it.
180def train_target_model(config: Dict, targetDataset) -> Sequential: 181 182 targetDataset = ds.shuffle(targetDataset) 183 dataConfig = config["targetDataset"] 184 modelConfig = config["targetModel"]["hyperparameters"] 185 186 modelName = get_model_name(config) 187 trainDataName = modelName + "_train_data" 188 testDataName = modelName + "_test_data" 189 restDataName = modelName + "_rest_data" 190 191 trainData = targetDataset.take(dataConfig["trainSize"]) 192 testData = targetDataset.skip(dataConfig["trainSize"]).take(dataConfig["testSize"]) 193 restData = targetDataset.skip(dataConfig["trainSize"]).skip(dataConfig["testSize"]) 194 195 ds.save_target(trainData,trainDataName) 196 ds.save_target(testData,testDataName) 197 ds.save_target(restData,restDataName) 198 199 model = KaggleModel(config["targetModel"]["classes"]) 200 201 train_model(model, modelName, trainData, testData, modelConfig) 202 203 print("Saving target model to disk.") 204 save_model(modelName, model) 205 evaluate_model(model, testData) 206 return model